
Sufism is a science that deals with the connection of human beings with their creator and their spiritual world. In this context, while conducting our research, we aim to fulfill such spiritual needs of human beings and to solve these needs on the basis of a healthy understanding of religion. We believe that for the fulfillment of this purpose, it is imperative that religion should benefit from the contribution of all sub-disciplines and all human sciences.

History of Sufism examines Sufi movements, which are a part of Turkish culture, from a historical perspective. In particular, this field presents to today's people the universal thoughts of Sufis such as Mevlana, Yȗnus Emre, Hacı Bektâş- ı Velî, Muhyiddîn-i Arabî, Imam-i Gazzâlî, Abdulkâdir-i Geylâni and Shâh-i Nakşibend, who are considered the cornerstones of our culture. Themes such as peace, love, brotherhood and tolerance, which are addressed by the aforementioned Sufis and which contemporary people need almost all the time, are discussed and tried to be reflected in the religious life of the people of our country. On the other hand, scientific-academic researches are conducted on Sufism, which constitutes the spiritual aspect of religious life, and publications are published to prevent our people from falling into situations that contradict the basic values of religion. In addition, in this department, the phases of Sufism, which has been effective in all areas of Turkish culture and has influenced our thought life in almost every field, are examined in the historical process and evaluated in terms of today. The studies carried out in this department are explained to young theologians and contribute to their learning religion and religious culture correctly and reaching sound syntheses.

In our department; the efforts made by Muslims to learn and live the knowledge and thought system of the Islamic religion, the foundations of these efforts in the Qur'an and Sunnah and their stages in history, the terms that this activity gained after it was systematized as a scientific discipline, the leading exemplary personalities with their understanding of existence, knowledge and value, the relationship of this science with other Islamic disciplines and their mutual effects are discussed.

The faculty members of our department strive to make an academic contribution to the discipline with all these objectives in the "Sufism-I and Sufism-II" courses, in addition to the undergraduate and graduate courses they give to the young theologians of the future in a comprehensive manner, as well as their master's and doctoral thesis consultancy and scientific studies.