
Bachelor of Theology Degree Completion (ILITAM), which started accepting students in the 2011-2012 academic year, is a distance education undergraduate completion program carried out in cooperation with the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Theology and Dicle University Distance Education Center (DUZEM). The main purpose of the program is to provide the necessary education for people with an associate degree to reach the undergraduate level by using distance education opportunities and to provide them with a bachelor's degree. Among the objectives of the program are the following:

  • To enable students to obtain education without being affected by situations that make it difficult or impossible to receive face-to-face education such as work life, residential unit, geographical conditions, physical disability, etc
  • To contribute to the dissemination of higher education in our country by presenting the scientific and academic knowledge of Dicle University Faculty of Theology with its competent academic staff to a wide audience with the opportunities of distance education technology and the experience of our university in this field,
  • To provide religious knowledge based on the basic principles and sources of religion with academic methods and sensitivity to those who are willing to do so in a way that contributes to the peace and trust of the integrity of society,
  • With the implementation of the program, the emergence of new scientific research and development initiatives in the field of religious higher education and the development of religious higher education,
  • Ensuring cooperation and experience sharing with other higher education institutions and institutions providing technological support,
  • Students participating in the program, while developing the knowledge they have received in theology associate degree programs in a way to raise them to the level of theology undergraduate level, to develop their ability to synthesize, analyze, interpret, question and criticize.

Dicle University Faculty of Theology gave its first graduates in 1997-1998 academic year while it was in the building of the Faculty of Dentistry. In addition to the Theology Program in the 1999-2000 academic year, the Primary Education Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge Teaching Program, the second education in 2009, and the Bachelor of Theology Completion (ILITAM) programs were opened in 2011. Our faculty has 2 active programs, namely Theology and ILITAM, 3 departments, namely Basic Islamic Sciences, Philosophy and Religious Sciences and Islamic History and Arts, and 20 departments. In the Theology Program, in addition to the compulsory courses that will provide basic knowledge in the field of theology, formation courses are also given to prepare students for teaching life.

Graduates of Theology Pre-Bachelor's Degree Program or Vocational School of Theology can apply to the ILITAM Program. Placement procedures are carried out by ÖSYM. Students who take the Vertical Transition Examination (DGS) and graduate from the aforementioned associate degree programs make their preferences with the ÖSYM central system and are placed in this department. The ILITAM program, which was opened with a quota of 300 people in its first year, has continued to increase over the years and the duration of the program is two years. Students who successfully complete all the courses of the program will be entitled to receive a "Faculty of Theology" diploma. As of 2022, a total of 4021 students have successfully completed the Ilitam Program of our Faculty and are entitled to receive a diploma