Student Representation and Clubs


According to the University Student Council Regulations of the Inter-University Board, the Faculty/School Student Representative is:

"The student representative of the faculty or college elected by the student representatives of the departments/programs within each faculty and college or the representatives of the departments/major branches that grant an independent bachelor's/associate diploma for a period of one year and by absolute majority. In faculties and colleges that award only one diploma, department/program representatives serve as faculty or college representatives."

Within this framework, Ömer Faruk CENGİZ was elected as the Faculty Student Representative in the elections held in our Faculty in the 2021-2022 Academic Year.


Our faculty provides opportunities for our students to engage in social, cultural, and sports activities that will help them develop in addition to their academic courses and studies. Just as the books that our students read in and out of class are instrumental in their development, social and cultural activities are the elements that enable them to be as successful in life as they are. It is not right for them to ignore this fact. Going back and forth between home and school being satisfied with only textbooks and being deprived of social and cultural activities will leave the student incomplete. On the contrary, doing both at the same time will equip the student. Through social and cultural activities, the student's civil courage develops, his/her communication with people increases, he/she learns to address the society, socializes, comprehends the rules of etiquette in society and gains many other characteristic features over time. This point is extremely important. For this purpose, 9 student clubs have been established by students in our faculty. The clubs carry out many activities such as conferences, panels, seminars, various educational activities, short film readings, school visits, kindergarten visits, nursing home visits, aid activities, etc.

There are nine student clubs operating in our faculty.

  1. Dicle Youth Club - Ömer Faruk CENGİZ.
  2. Dicle One Drop Club - Rojda KARACA.
  3. Theology Relief Club - Asya DINÇ.
  4. Mavera Youth Club - Sema Nur KURT.
  5. One Step for Good Club - Atilla FİDAN.
  6. Read and Comment Club - Muhammet Diyar ELIK.
  7. Civilization Club - Mehmet Emin TAŞ.
  8. From Volunteer to Hearts Club - Hatice SARI.
  9. Young Writers Club - Asiya BİNEN.