
The science of logic is an art/science that protects the mind from error, leads to the knowledge of the unknown based on what is known, gives criteria to the mind, distinguishes right from false and good from evil, and leads the individual to achieve bliss in two worlds. Muslim philosophers also called logic "the head of the sciences" or "the servant of the sciences" because it deals with the most fundamental area of the individual's point of departure with himself and his environment. The reason that led them to such designations was the consideration that without logic, a sound thinking and would always be prone to error. For this reason, Muslim scholars gave proper importance to this science, the foundation of which was laid out and systematized by the ancient Greek philosophers, and bequeathed a huge field of possibility/study and production in their own cultural basin that both other Islamic sciences and the Western tradition of thought could benefit from. As it maintained its place and importance in madrasas, it also took its place in the last period's renewal movements. In Dar al-Funûn's Ulumu-ı Shar'iye department, logic was taught under the Philosophy Group courses. The science of Logic, which has not lost its importance throughout the history of thought, is among the basic courses taught in the faculties of theology today.