Islamic Law

Islamic law (originally called fiqh) deals with the provisions of the Islamic religion regarding worship and muâmelâ (legal transactions) and the ways and methods of deriving these provisions. In terms of subject matter, most of the information that theology students need in their personal and professional lives is related to Islamic law. Recognizing this, the Department of Islamic Law aims to teach students the historical course of Islamic law and the important topics of fiqh usul al-fiqh and furu with an analytical approach. In order to achieve this, in addition to the compulsory courses in the undergraduate curriculum, it has introduced elective courses that reinforce and develop them. The compulsory courses of our department in the undergraduate program of theology are as follows:

Introduction to Islamic Law, Principles of Islamic Worship, Islamic Legal Procedure-1, Islamic Legal Procedure-2, Islamic Law-1, Islamic Law-2. The elective courses, which were introduced with the proposal of our department, are as follows in order of semester: Ahkam Verses, Fiqh al-Siyrah (The Effect of the Prophet on Islamic Law), Contemporary Fiqh Problems, Philosophy of Islamic Law, Modern Period Islamic Law Studies, Ottoman Law, Ahkam Hadiths, Fiqh Literature, Sociology of Islamic Law, Islamic Administrative Law, Qur'anic Provisions and Modern Law, Principles of Fiqh, Introduction to Law, New Problems Arising Concerning Worships, Mecelle's General Principles, Comparative Islamic Law, Fiqh Theories, Professional Practices Concerning Worships, Islamic Fiqh Sects, Islamic Law Texts, Islamic Human Rights and Democracy. In addition to the undergraduate and graduate courses they teach, our faculty members of the department strive to make academic contributions to the field of science with their master's and doctoral thesis consultancy and scientific studies.