Hotel, Restaurant and Catering Services

I Tourism and Hotel Management Program

Head of Department

Lecturer Nesrin SAVAŞ

Program Chair

Lecturer Ömer FINDIKDALI

Program Adviser

Lecturer Ömer FINDIKDALI

Academic Staff

Lecturer Hasan YAVUZ

Lecturer Ömer FINDIKDALI

Lecturer Fatoş METİN

Program Introduction

The Tourism and Hotel Management associate degree program aims to prepare our students for mid-level management positions in the tourism and hotel sector in the best way possible. Our program is organized in accordance with the development of the sector as well as meeting today's needs, and aims to prepare students for the future while guiding them to produce creative and innovative ideas. With the advantage of the education program supported by practice, students will have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of career options in the tourism sector after graduation.

Job Opportunities After Graduation

As a result of the training they receive during their four semesters of education from the Tourism and Hotel Management Associate Degree Program, the biggest employment areas of the graduates who receive the title of "Vocational Staff" will be employed mainly in the tourism and accommodation sector, which is increasing in sectoral volume due to the nature of the program.

Faculties for Vertical Transfer

Students who successfully complete the Tourism and Hotel Management Program can continue their undergraduate education by making vertical transfer to the relevant programs in accordance with the legislation of the Council of Higher Education.

II Culinary Program

Cookery Program

Program Adviser

Lecturer Nesrin SAVAŞ

Academic Staff

Lecturer Cüneyt ATEŞ

Lecturer Nesrin SAVAŞ

Lecturer Ramazan KARAMAN

Program Introduction

The Cookery Program under the Department of Hotel, Restaurant and Catering Services, which provides a wide range of employment opportunities in the developing tourism sector, has been developed taking into account the needs of the sector. Restaurants, cafeterias, bars, patisseries, bakeries, institutions where collective nutrition is made and similar food and beverage services are service areas where products are made ready for service in accordance with hygiene and sanitation rules and presented to the customer. Food and beverage services have become one of the important employment areas in the world and in our country by showing rapid development and change. In this field; In order to keep up with the free market competition conditions, there is a need for Food and Beverage Services Area managers who have gained the competencies required by the sector and have the ability to manage such businesses at world standards. Service sector, i.e. hotels, restaurants, etc. The number and qualifications of businesses will increase. For this reason, it is estimated that there will be a need for vocational staff at levels 4 and 5 in Kitchen and Service Staff branches. In addition, due to the fact that the sector is a service sector and labor intensive, there is no shrinkage in employment, on the contrary, the need for qualified personnel is increasing day by day.

Job Opportunities After Graduation

Graduates have the opportunity to work in the kitchen and service units of food and beverage, banquet and industrial food preparation enterprises. In addition, graduates who successfully complete the program also have the opportunity to work in the kitchen and food and beverage related units of private or state institutions.

Faculties for Vertical Transfer

Family and consumer sciences, Nutrition and dietetics, Gastronomy, Gastronomy and culinary arts and management departments.