Student Mobility for Studies

Student Mobility for Studies

Student mobility with Partner Countries (Non-European Countries) is carried out in three ways:

  • Education Mobility
  • Internship Mobility
  • Combined Mobility (Simultaneous/Consecutive education and internship)

In higher education, student mobility is open to students enrolled in formal education at higher education institutions. Students studying in distance learning programs or similar programs (such as online education) are not eligible to participate in these activities. Grants are provided only for the following activities:

  • Full-time undergraduate, graduate, master's, or doctoral studies, including thesis preparation (excluding research assignments and external research activities that are not part of the study program) at a higher education institution in a Program Country (European Union Member State) that holds the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and is the main part of the recognition of the diploma/degree.
  • Full-time undergraduate, graduate, master's, or doctoral studies, including thesis preparation (excluding research assignments and external research activities that are not part of the study program) at a higher education institution in one of the Partner Countries (Non-European Countries) where the recognition of the diploma/degree is the main part.
  • Full-time internships that are recognized by the program or the higher education institution in the Program or Partner Country as a compulsory or optional part of the student's study program.

A full-time student is defined as a student who has not yet completed the required studies (credits) for their diploma/degree and has a workload of 30 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits or the equivalent workload in a semester.

A full-time internship refers to the internship that the student conducts based on a full working day during the duration of the activity.

  1. Learning Mobility Activity

This mobility activity is carried out within the framework of the existing inter-institutional agreements of the higher education institution.

The activity consists of the student enrolled in the higher education institutions of the program and partner country carrying out a part of his/her education in the higher education institution partnered with the inter-institutional agreement. The duration of the activity can be between 3 and 12 months (1, 2 or 3 semesters according to the systems of some countries), valid for each level of education separately. The study level refers to associate/undergraduate, master and doctoral levels.

Graduated students cannot benefit from the study mobility activity.

Students who will participate in the activity must be full-time students. Students are expected to send/receive 60 ECTS credits for one full academic year, 30 ECTS credits for one semester in a two-semester academic year and 20 ECTS credits for one semester in a three-semester academic year to follow the program to do the studies required by their diploma/degree. Successful credits in the followed program are granted full academic recognition; unsuccessful credits are repeated at the host institution.

  1. Internship Mobility Activity

This mobility activity consists of the student enrolled in a higher education institution doing an internship in an enterprise or a suitable workplace abroad. Following a course at a higher education institution is not considered as an internship activity. The internship activity can be carried out at associate, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels. As far as possible, the internship is expected to be part of the student's curriculum.

The duration of the activity is between 2 and 12 months for each level of study. There are no internship opportunities after graduation. Organizations that can host the internship can be one of the following:

  • Any private or public organization active in the labor market or in the fields of education, training and youth
  • Higher education institutions with Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) in the Program Country and higher education institutions in the partner country

The following institutions/organizations are not suitable for internship activities

  • EU institutions and EU bodies
  • National Agency, National Erasmus+ Offices, etc. that run EU programs.

Important Note: The place where the students will do their internship is the place where they have already received a grant under the Erasmus+ KA107 Project. It is not possible for students to find a different internship place!

  1. Combined Mobility

It is the type of activity that allows the internship mobility activity to be integrated into the study mobility activity, allowing the study and internship activities to be carried out as a single activity. In other words, a combined activity is an activity that includes an internship as part of the student's study program. This type of activity is reported as "student learning mobility" and the grant used is deducted from the student learning mobility grant.

In a combined activity:

  1. the internship activity is carried out under the supervision of the HEI to which the student is going for study mobility (if possible, the student continues to benefit from the facilities offered by the HEI: dormitory, student transportation card, etc.)
  2. the two activities may be carried out simultaneously or consecutively. The combined activity must be planned in such a way that the student's education and internship will be carried out together before the student starts the activity and the learning agreement must be arranged in this way. Therefore, every consecutive study and internship activity is not a combined activity. In order for a student who starts his/her activity as a learning mobility to benefit from the combined activity, the duration cannot be extended by adding an internship activity to his/her activity. Likewise, the duration of a student who starts his/her activity as an internship mobility cannot be extended by adding a learning activity to his/her activity.

The combined activity can last at least 3 and maximum 12 months. It is recommended that the student performs the internship activity in combination with the study activity, especially for the internship activity to be carried out in an enterprise in the partner country.

Grants for Outgoing Students:

Outgoing students are provided with a monthly grant of 700 euros, regardless of the destination country. However, the grant is calculated on a daily basis for each day spent abroad within the Erasmus+ framework. In addition, students receive transportation support based on the following table, which is calculated on a kilometer basis:

Distance Range Grant Amount
20-99 km 20 euros
100-499 km 80 euros
500-1999 km 275 euros
2000-2999 km 360 euros
3000-3999 km 530 euros
4000-7999 km 820 euros
8000 km and above 1500 euros

Required Documents:

For Education Mobility:

  • Application Form (to be obtained from the partner university)
  • Copy of Passport
  • Transcript in English
  • Foreign Language Proficiency Certificate
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) in English
  • Learning Agreement for Education Mobility

For Internship Mobility:

  • Application Form (to be obtained from the partner university)
  • Copy of Passport
  • Transcript in English
  • Foreign Language Certificate
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) in English
  • Learning Agreement for Internship (Only pages 19, 20, and 21 of the Learning Agreement need to be filled out for outgoing students)

For Combined Mobility (Education and Internship):

All the documents listed above are the same. Only for combined mobility, pages 9, 10, 11, and 12 of the provided Learning Agreement for education (learning agreement) should be filled out.

Please refer to the Implementation Handbook published by the Turkish National Agency for detailed information.