Archaeology Internship Consortium

Archaeology Internship Consortium

The "Archaeology Internship Consortium" conducted under the coordination of Dicle University, is an "internship and vocational training" project that aims to support the internship activities of students and the training/lecturing activities of staff with the support of regional universities, Diyarbakır Provincial Directorate of Culture and Karacadağ Development Agency.

The project aims to:

  • Expand the number of beneficiaries and the areas of their benefit.
  • Strengthen collaboration in fields that can meet the needs of internship mobility beneficiaries.
  • Support interaction, cooperation, and potential partnership initiatives between relevant institutions working in the field of archaeology and universities.
  • Expand the areas where beneficiaries can enhance their knowledge and experience before entering their professional careers.
  • Provide beneficiaries with work experience and enable them to disseminate the knowledge and experience they have gained to other stakeholders.
  • Expand the collaboration network between consortium partner universities, their students/staff, and stakeholders.
  • Consequently, contribute to the development of the region.

Considering the employment opportunities in the region, where significant excavation sites have been discovered in recent years and work continues rapidly, many government institutions have initiated numerous projects with a focus on cultural heritage. As a result, there is an increased demand for well-equipped archaeologists, including foreign language instruction in the field, and the implementation of new and different methods. To address this demand, the project supports "internship mobility" for students and "training/learning activities" for personnel. Additionally, it includes "teaching activities" for students and personnel who are unable to participate in mobility activities due to expert invitations from international businesses.