European Policy Statement

European Policy Statement

Dicle University (DU) with its administration, staff and students and through its scientific, constructive and progressive stance in all necessary circumstances and subjects, has been aware of the responsibility of contributing to the region, Turkey and world communities in order to implement, develop and defend the democratic, participatory and transparent university governance model for 47 years.

The prerequisite for displaying principled, constructive and pioneering position outside the university is putting emphasis on internationalization based on participatory processes within the university. Working in cooperation with all units of our university, DU has been progressing towards achieving its internationalization goals since 2004 under Erasmus and other programmes.

As stated in Dicle University 2020-2024 Strategic Plan; demonstrating effective presence in international higher education networks, strengthening the global awareness and experiences of our students and staff, encouraging and promoting international student exchange, ensuring the integration of exchange students (e.g. Erasmus) with our current students, enabling internationalization in undergraduate programs, increasing the number of internationally registered students, taking actions to strengthen and increase effectiveness of the International Relations Office, developing international joint undergraduate and graduate programs, providing graduate students with international experience, encouraging graduate students' experience abroad during the course and dissertation stages are among the goals of the Internationalization articles.

Apart from these, Dicle University 2020-2024 Strategic Plan aims to reinforce the achievements of Erasmus programme together with internal resources of the university, and certain aims in this context are guaranteed under specific timeline. Accordingly, in its Strategic Plan, Dicle University explicitly put forward the dynamics of internal resources in the 2021-2027 phase of the Erasmus program by ensuring more staff mobility from partner universities in cases where the budget is insufficient.

Both for Turkey and European Union, Dicle University is located in a very strategic point. In this respect, as seen from past activities, our university has the ability to act as a bridge, especially in carrying the values of the European Union to the Middle Eastern countries. On one hand, the perspective of 2021-2027 will be a process for Dicle University to further strengthen the relations with the partner countries from European Union; On the other hand, it will be a process in carrying higher education values of EU to relatively disadvantageous regions effectively. In line with the political and geographical boundaries addressed, Dicle University’s plans to realize issues such as infrastructure, production, experience and sharing values are strongly emphasized in the relevant strategic documents of our university. Additionally the International Relations Office put great emphasis on realising EPS and all internationalisation documents will be approved by the senate of DU.

However, Dicle university is in a relatively remote location of the integrative areas like culture, arts and sports both for Turkey and the European Union. Considering that the majority of our university students consist of disadvantaged young people with limited opportunities from the region and neighboring provinces, it is planned to strengthen these areas with the help of our partners and to have a period in which our students and staff will get more share from the intellectual heritage of the European Union. Of course, as included in our strategic plans, it will be a process where the internal resources of our university will be used more effectively will be put into practice together with other resources.

Our International Relations Office has been realizing these goals, which have been stated above, with its knowledge, skills and experience since 2004 and strives to take it further. Our office's 2021-2027 perspective is to use the Erasmus Program effectively, transparently and efficiently. DU aims to increase the number of internationally accredited programs to 15 in 2020-2024 strategic plan. In the same document, it is aimed to support research at international level and enrich the regions where mobility will take place within the scope of international exchange programs. At the same time, there will be an opportunity to raise the recognition of the institution by raising the education standards via harmonizing with international norms and using exchange programs effectively. In the related document, it is aimed to support all the institution's international recognition and visibility activities. In this context, DU aims to organize staff weeks regularly and determine common strategies not only with program countries but also with partner countries and make different project applications with different geographies. Special courses and language support are also provided to increase competencies of beneficiaries. Increasing the job opportunities, enriching 21st Century skills, increasing the contribution to employability, improving social cohesion, supporting European values by building a European identity are among the main targets of DU and effective application of Erasmus programme will help realize these aims.