Academic Personnel - Business Administration.html

Head of Department

Professor Abdulkadir BİLEN

Accounting Finance

Assoc. Prof. Fethiye Müge SAKAR

Numerical methods

Assoc. Prof. Yunus YILMAZ

Accounting Finance

Assoc. Prof. Sadık SERÇEK

Accounting Finance

Assoc. Prof. Abdullah USLU

Tourism management

Assoc. Prof. Halil İbrahim ŞENGÜN

Method of Production and Marketing

Assoc. Prof. Remzi GÖK

Accounting Finance

Assoc. Prof. Ayşe KAYACI

Management and Organization

Asst. Prof. Yusuf Ozan YILDIRIM

Method of Production and Marketing

Asst. Prof. Ahmet KAYA

Accounting Finance

Asst. Prof. Tarık Ziyad ÇELİK

Method of Production and Marketing

Research Assistant Ömer DÜLEK

Management and Organization

Research Assistant Mahmut YAĞMUR

Accounting Finance