Strategic Goals and Objectives

Our Strategic Goals and Objectives

Strategic Objective 1: To increase, disseminate and transfer scientific activities and technological developments within the framework of the requirements of the age and national priorities.

Objective 1.1 To increase the production of science, technology and innovation of the Vocational School.

Objective 1.2. To ensure the transfer of knowledge and technology to society, public and industry.

Objective 1.3. To improve the institutional infrastructure to facilitate the production of science, technology and innovation:

Strategic Objective 2: To increase quality, efficiency and satisfaction in scientific and vocational education.

Objective 2.1. To increase the competence of academic staff.

Objective 2.2. To increase quality and efficiency in education:

Our Objective 2.3. To increase the joint research capacity of academic staff and students.

Strategic Objective 3: To contribute to social development with an understanding that prioritizes areas that address the current problems and needs of society.

Objective 3.1. To support and carry out activities that will contribute to cultural and social development.

Objective 3.2. To play a role in increasing the competence level of the society.

Strategic Objective 4: To provide the Vocational School with a competitive institutional and physical structure.

Objective 4.1. To be located in a large, accessible, modern campus.

Objective 4.2. To develop institutional identity and culture, and to increase cooperation between units.

Strategic Objective 5: To improve the institutional image of the Vocational School and to ensure contact with our graduates.

Objective 5. 1. To improve the corporate image and increase brand value:

Objective 5. 2. Keeping in touch with our graduates and establishing an effective communication network:

Strategic Objective 1: To increase, disseminate and transfer scientific activities and technological developments within the framework of the requirements of the age and national priorities.

Activities Towards the Goal:

Objective 1.1 To increase the science, technology and innovation production of the Vocational School:

1.1.1 The number of scientific award applications will be increased (refers to national and international awards given by foundations and institutions such as European Research Council (ERC), TÜBA, TÜBİTAK, etc.).

1.1.2. The rate of articles in journals in the field will be increased.

1.1.3. The annual increase in the number of citations per academic staff will be monitored.

1.1.4. The number of scientific activities (congress, symposium, seminar, forum, workshop, etc.) organized by Diyarbakır Vocational School of Social Sciences will be increased.

1.1.5. The number of scientific research projects (ARDEB, BAP, COST, H2020, etc.) will be increased. 1.1.6. The number of applications for national registration of intellectual property (patent, utility model, design, etc.) will be increased.

To ensure the transfer of knowledge and technology to society, public and industry

1.2.1. The number of academic consultancy services provided to public and industrial projects will be increased.

1.2.2. The competency of academic consultancy services provided to public and industrial projects will be increased

1.2.3. The total number of licensed inventions will be increased.

1.2.4. The number of R&D and innovation projects carried out through university-industry, university-public cooperation will be increased.

Target 1.3. To improve the institutional infrastructure to facilitate the production of science, technology and innovation:

1.3.1. The number of equivalent R&D personnel other than academic staff will be increased.

1.3.2. Vocational School Responsible for University-Industry Cooperation will be determined.

1.3.3. A technology officer will be appointed for the Vocational School.

1.3.4. Vocational School web publication site will be updated by taking into account current and scientific objectives.

1.3.5. A technological sharing area will be established within the Vocational School.

1.3.6. An online journal will be established under the leadership of the Vocational School to bring quality publications to the readers.

Strategic Objective 2: To increase quality, efficiency and satisfaction in scientific and vocational education.

Activities Towards the Target:

Objective 2. 1. To increase the competence of academic staff:

2.1.1. A satisfaction survey will be conducted for all academic staff at the beginning of each academic year.

2.1.2. Adaptation trainings will be organized for newly appointed lecturers.

2.1.3. The number of academic staff receiving "In-Service Training" will be increased.

2.1.4. The number of training categories for "Personal Development" will be increased

2.1.5. Guidance documents called "Getting Started Series" updated every year will be prepared for academic staff.

2.1.6. Feedback and evaluations of the activity reports of the academic staff will be collected since their first year of employment.

2.1.7. Trainings on occupational safety and quality management will be provided.

2.1.8. To increase the duration of training on the use of information technologies for academic staff.

Objective 2.2. To increase quality and efficiency in education:

2.2.1. Student satisfaction measured through surveys will be increased.

2.2.2. Effective participation of students in the survey application will be increased.

2.2.3. The variety of surveys applied to students will be increased.

2.2.4. The number of lecture notes and lecture presentations of Vocational School faculty will be increased.

2.2.5. The proportion of courses associated with program qualifications will be increased.

2.2.6. The sense of institutional belonging among academic staff will be increased.

2.2.7. The sense of institutional belonging among administrative staff will be increased.

2.2.8. The number of students per tenured faculty member will be reduced.

2.2.9. The number of students per tenured academic staff will be reduced.

Strategic Objective 3: To contribute to social development with an understanding that prioritizes areas that address the current problems and needs of society.

Activities for the Target:

Objective 3.1 To support and carry out activities that will contribute to cultural and social development:

3.1.1. Social responsibility activities for social benefit will be increased.

3.1.2. Participation in intra-university sports competitions will be increased.

3.1.3. The number of culture and art activities will be increased.

3.1.4. To increase University-Stakeholder cooperation.

3.1.5. To organize one scientific / cultural / artistic / sports event per year with the stakeholders of each academic unit.

3.1.6. To ensure that the physical facilities and curricula of our Vocational School are reorganized with an applied and project-supported approach.

Objective 3.2. To ensure the transfer of knowledge and technology to society, public and industry:

3.2.1. Student Clubs will be established and certificate programs will be organized to gain skills, vocational training and increase professional competence.

3.2.2. The number of participants in certificate programs aimed at gaining skills, acquiring a profession and increasing professional competence will be increased in Student Clubs.

3.2.3. Activities such as courses and health screenings will be organized to improve the standard of living and health.

3.2.4. Activities will be organized to encourage disabled people to participate in society.

3.2.5. To realize the necessary infrastructure works for a green and barrier-free campus understanding.

Strategic Objective 4: To provide the Vocational School with a competitive institutional and physical structure.

Activities Towards the Target:

Objective 4.1 To be located in a large, accessible, modern campus:

4.1.1. The suitability of the canteen price list will be investigated and the menu structure will be enriched.

4.1.2. Active work will be initiated on new areas where sports activities are carried out.

4.1.3. A schedule of activities to be held in the conference hall will be kept.

4.1.4. Environmental criteria and standards will be established for waste management.

4.1.5. Waste management will be improved to meet environmental needs.

4.1.6. A career center for students will be established.

4.1.7. The number of trees and the amount of green space on the campus will be expanded.

4.1.8. To ensure the reduction and proper management of waste generated on our campuses.

Objective 4.2. To develop institutional identity and culture, and to increase cooperation between units:

4.2.1. Meetings will be held with the participation of academic and administrative units to improve inter-unit relations.

4.2.2. Common social areas will be created for the use of the institution's employees.

4.2.3. Whatsapp group communication will be increased to increase corporate communication.

4.2.4. Trainings will be organized in the Conference Hall with the aim of informing and raising awareness.

4.2.5. Social programs (festivals, trips, concerts, picnics, etc.) will be organized to strengthen the interaction between the members of the university.

4.2.6. Trainings will be given to our academic and administrative staff at the Vocational School to increase their performance.

4.2.7. Online studies will be carried out to deliver scientific, social and cultural news about the Vocational School to the target audience.

4.2.8. Social media accounts of our Vocational School will be managed more effectively.

4.2.9. Events such as symposiums, seminars and conferences open to the public and informative on current issues and problems will be organized.

Strategic Objective 5: To improve the institutional image of the Vocational School and to ensure contact with our graduates.

Activities for the Target:

Objective 5.1 To improve the image of the institution and increase its brand value:

5.1.1. Participation and contribution will be made to external events that will increase the brand value of the university.

5.1.2. To increase the number of activities promoting our vocational school.

5.1.3. To increase the number of activities aimed at developing feelings of unity and solidarity, morale and motivation among the employees of our vocational school.

Target 5.2. Keeping in touch with our graduates and establishing an effective communication network:

5.2.1. An association will be established for our graduate students and physical space and personnel support will be provided.

5.2.2. Activities will be organized to increase the sense of institutional belonging among graduate students.

5.2.3. Social media accounts will be used more effectively as a communication tool for our graduate students.

5.2.4 Whatsapp group communication with our graduate students will be increased.

5.2.5 To regularly inform our graduates about events and encourage their participation.

5.2.6 Contact information will be kept up-to-date in the alumni database.