Foreign Collaborations

overseas education for students and instructors individual Support

student exchange (student mobility – SM)

under the Erasmus programme, students of higher education students in the first year, except for the doctor, including students, within the framework of agreements and arrangements between universities, other participating countries in training between 3-12 months at a university or a higher education institution provides support. The European credit transfer system (ECTS) student's own effort and time spent in the host country thanks to the recognition provided by the University.

Mutual academic exchange (teaching staff mobility–TS)

the official curriculum of the Erasmus programme and other European countries in collaborative courses the university is situated in the often short-term provides support to teaching staff as a visiting lecturer.Giving a lesson of support in the host country as a contribution to the additional costs that arise as a result of it is considered.

change of Mutual Organization(the organization of Mobility – OM)

in the exchange program under the Erasmus programme provided support to the creation of appropriate conditions for higher education institutions. We are working with the creation of those requirements and opportunities to achieve results:A) students in other participating countries, collaborating institutions and the mutual recognition of the duration of staying as a guest at their work; b)fully integrated into the academic programs of the teaching staff, short-term courses (or tasks) to provide seamless guest in his capacity as a faculty member; c) European credit transfer system (ECTS) and Diploma in Oct (DS)the realization of applications.

European credit transfer system (European credit transfer system – ECTS)

the Erasmus program, the ECTS system for transfer of academic credit allocation and an improved introduction, implementation and/or dissemination activities related supports. ETS support mechanisms include:support of institutions that previously have not received Erasmus support for ECTS ECTS the commencement of all bachelor's and master's programmes ECTS and ECTS label ECTS label appropriately given to the institutions that implement the mechanisms necessary to ectskredi spool spool ECTS credit that can be provided to support institutions who wish to establish, that in case of need May apply for the ECTS/DS counsellors and visits.

intensive programs (intensive programmes – IP)

contain a European dimension with enrollment short term (10 days to 3 months) organizing courses, universities, financial support can be given. Financial support,following each other one, two or three years can be given, however, each year, participating in different group and/or topic (field) is bound to be different.

Curriculum development projects (Curriculum development projects – CD)

in this project at least three academic institutions from different countries together a program, a module, or accumulates in a master's program to develop a pool of resources. All of these projects can be made in academic areas and for them for more than three years of financial support.