Internationalization Policy


Internationalisation policies have an important place in ensuring that universities achieve a competitive, innovative and productive structure on a world and national scale. With its strong physical infrastructure, young student and academic potential, being the oldest university in the region and its historical mission, Dicle University is on the way to use the most effective methods and tools for internationalisation. Dicle University External Relations Office, which has successfully carried out Erasmus+ and Mevlana exchange programmes, has made some radical changes in internationalisation policies since 2016. As can be seen in the 2020 Strategy Document, Dicle University has carried out many collaborations not only with European Union Programme countries but also with Partner Countries outside the EU and aims to carry these collaborations forward in 2020.

In this context, one of the most important parts of our new policy vision is to organise long and short-term student and faculty exchanges, joint projects, conferences and seminars with industrialised Far Eastern countries, North African and Arab countries with which we have strong historical ties, and Central Asian countries that form the center of our common ancestry. Dicle University, as part of its new quality policy since 2020, aims to enhance the International Staff Weeks it has successfully implemented in previous years and bring together more students and academics from around the world each year. The university strives to make these events more effective in order to foster international collaboration and exchange.

Hosting strong representatives of internationalization in our university not only strengthens relationships but also lays the groundwork for future joint projects that can be carried out in the coming years. By welcoming these representatives, we aim to enhance collaborations and create opportunities for mutually beneficial initiatives.

One of the significant policy changes highlighted in the 2020 Strategic Document of Dicle University is the focus on activities related to neighboring regions. Strengthening academic relationships, particularly with universities in Iraq, Iran, Qatar, and Jordan, is among our top priorities. Our main objectives include enhancing academic collaborations and making Dicle University an attractive destination for students from these countries in undergraduate, graduate, and exchange programs.

An important part of our Quality Policy is Erasmus+. Increasing the number of exchange students within the framework of Erasmus+, diversifying joint projects, and hosting academics from prestigious universities in Europe to share their knowledge and experience with our faculty members and students are among our top priorities. By focusing on these priorities, we aim to enhance international cooperation and enrich the academic environment at our university.

In this context, by sharing the effective promotional material we have prepared with our academicians, we aim to ensure that our staff members who participate in education and teaching activities within the Erasmus+ framework represent Dicle University more effectively in Europe.