
About the Department

The Department of Statistics aims to train statisticians who are equipped with both theoretical and applied knowledge in the field of life sciences, are respectful of differences, are committed to ethical values, contribute to the production and application of knowledge, have a scientific mindset that is appropriate for the needs of society, are equipped, courageous, and entrepreneurial.

In pursuit of this goal, in addition to the mathematical foundations of statistical theory and methods, students are equipped with knowledge from fields such as Computer Science and Statistical Information Systems. They also receive comprehensive instruction in Operations Research, Risk Analysis, Actuarial Sciences, Quality Management, as well as fundamental knowledge from the social and administrative sciences. This approach aims to provide a solid foundation for those aspiring to become researchers and educators in the field of statistics.

With the acquired knowledge and skills, graduates of the Department of Statistics can find employment opportunities as faculty members in universities, departments such as Statistics, Statistics and Computer Science, Econometrics, Business, Economics, Industrial Engineering, and Biostatistics. Additionally, they can work in various government institutions such as ministries, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), State Planning Organization, Social Security Institution (Bağ-Kur), State Airports Authority, State Hydraulic Works, Directorate General of Highways, and many others. Opportunities also exist in municipalities, the National Productivity Center, Istanbul Securities Exchange Center, Aselsan, and companies in different sectors like Tourism, Insurance, Advertising, Banking, and Finance, as well as in Computer Software Companies, Information Processing Centers, Market Research Firms, Sports Clubs, Newspapers, Television Channels, and other relevant fields as statisticians or computer programmers.